Research Blogs

Our thought leadership articles to ease your PhD Journey.

Why pursue a PhD degree?

Earning a PhD is an exciting yet demanding journey, and the decision to pursue one...

When is the right time to do a PhD?

Deciding when to dive into the deep end of a PhD is like planning a trip to Mount Everest...

Interdisciplinary nature of a PhD degree

The question of whether a PhD is inherently interdisciplinary is like asking if a tree grows leaves or roots...

What is research really?

The research performed during a PhD is as diverse as the constellations in the night sky...

Research Papers and Publications

As you delve into the world of research, you'll soon encounter research papers and publication...

PhD Journey Key Milestones

Picture your PhD journey as an epic quest, filled with challenges and triumphs...

University Selection for PhD

Choosing the right university for your PhD is like finding the perfect steed for your academic...

PhD Entrance Test

The PhD Entrance Test (PET) can seem like a daunting obstacle on your journey towards...

PhD Admission Interview

Stepping into a PhD interview can feel like facing a panel of wise dragons guarding the...